We are on our way! I love traveling. And I especially love traveling with my family. I think a long, long time ago I heard somewhere that you know you’re in the right relationship if you travel well together. Adam and I always packed up our car and took road trips when we were in college in Boulder. Mostly, we just drove up through the mountains or to Shambhala Mountain Center, but sometimes we’d go from Colorado to the east coast, to Florida, Atlanta, New Mexico. etc… and we traveled really well together. We blasted the music and sang and I found out Adam was especially good at rapping to Vanilla Ice and Wu Tang. And we’d put on NPR and get real serious as we listened to Car Talk and real competitive as we listened to Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me. We talked through all of our big plans through life and we dreamed up the babies we would have. We talked politics and psychology and philosophy and we got along. Really well. In fact, we got along better when we traveled that when we were at home doing our normal routine. I am not really sure what that means about us. It’s still the case. We should just become one of those traveling photographer couples. Well, I’ll do the photography and he can offer a group discount for family neurofeedback or something.
Our trips are pretty much the same now, except we have a little boy genius who interrupts us as we are talking about Buddhist teachings and astronomy to put in his own reflections, which is like the little refresh button we need 11 years into our marriage. And we have the most brilliantly alive, animated little girl (see the below photo for an example of her awesome personality) to sing along with us at the top of our lungs to Jack Johnson. We are flying, of course. But there will be 3 hours to drive to Boston from the mid-coast and then two hours to my parents’ house from the Nashville airport.
So we’re off!

Stacey Potter Photography specializes in newborn, baby, and family photography in Boulder, Colorado and Mid-Coast Maine. To schedule a photo session for your family or for more information, please contact staceypotterphotography@gmail.com or visit her on Facebook.