Newborn photography is not like any other type of photography. It is that very first moment of connection that I get to document. That exhilarating, nothing-like-it-in-the-whole-wide-world feeling when the newly arrived little human being is welcomed into the family that will love him every single day of the rest of his life.
I am not sure about what direction I want to take with my newborn photography. After taking 3 years off, I go back through my newborn photos on my website and the photos I love the most are the ones in which the baby is being touched, adored, soothed, rocked, sung to, held with the sweetest possessiveness. Loved fiercely. Cherished.
I have been flipping through my hard drive tonight. It has about 10,000 edited newborn photos on it. So I started with the oldest and (eeeek! these were before I knew how to soothe and position and be patient with a newborn) I quickly jumped to the middle and (ahhhh…sweet sleepy squishy curled up goodness) then jumped ahead again to my most recent newborn photography work (quite beautiful because I mastered the capturing of both light + love).
But as I go through, trying to choose photos to update my newborn photography gallery on this new website, I am drawn only to the photos that speak to me of the tenderness the new baby brings into the life of his family.
After I had my first baby, I looked around and could not believe that OTHER PEOPLE HAD DONE THIS, TOO! And why wasn’t EVERYBODY talking about it ALL THE TIME?! It was the most incredible, phenomenal, crazy, important thing I had ever done. And I have jumped off cliffs and raced cars and climbed the sides of mountains. Those things, which had seemed to pinned down the enormity of life when they happened, were small compared to creating and giving birth to a new being.
So the photos I am choosing for this newborn photography gallery will be about THAT feeling. I now have to spend some time sorting and selecting the best. Give me a week, and I’ll have it up.
Stacey Potter is a newborn photographer in Boulder, Colorado, and Camden, Maine. For more information on scheduling your newborn photography session or for more info please call (Maine) 207.542.1565 or (Boulder, CO) 720-310-0336. Click to view her complete newborn photography portfolio.