Some things about doing children’s photography are really hard. But some things are the best.
I am a photographer that specializes in babies and toddlers and young children. But Elijah is 10 now, and I have gone through years with him spastically making weird faces at me every every single time I go to take a photo. Every. Single. Time.
And *most* boys I photograph do this. So please don’t be embarrassed if your child crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue. This is very normal. I assure you.
The strange hunching of the shoulders like a goblin. The twisted facial muscles. The hands that seem to involuntarily throw gang signs up into the air.
All normal for a 6-10 year old boy.
But I have my little ways around this.
This little family came over this weekend with gifts of homemade fudge and amazing, organic shitake free-range chicken soup. So I took them out back for a few photos as a thank you.
Linaius is nine years old, and was sucking in his cheeks and being crazy the entire time.
But I have my little tricks.
Follow them around. Take their cue. Challenge them. “How high can you jump? No, you can jump higher! I bet you can’t spin around in circles 5 times without falling down. I bet my silly face is better than yours. I bet you can’t rub your belly and pat your head at the same time. I bet…”
And I click away. The best moment is usually when they have completed whatever task I have set for them and I they are super duper pleased with themselves.

So, children’s photography is challenging, but so much more fun in that I get to act *really* silly.
And here are a few of his super awesome yoga mama doing some acrobatics.

Stacey Potter is a children’s photographer in Boulder Colorado and Camden, Maine. She is best known for her work with newborns and babies. To see more of her children’s photography, click here. For more information or to schedule your children’s photography session, please contact Stacey at staceypotterphotography@gmail.com or 207.542.1565 (Maine) or 303.818.7757 (Boulder, CO).