Ahhhhh! I just found out I can wiggle my way back to Boulder in the spring! I am trying to come back each season to do photo sessions for my wonderful, beautiful, big hearted, and stay-through-thick-and-thin-with-me clients. There are babies I began photographing when they were in their mother's belly that are now 10 years old. So far, I have only come back once to Boulder once since we moved to Maine. So this is great news. All my excellent plans are falling into place.
I am going to offer mini sessions to try to fit everything in. But I am wondering about newborns. I can not bring all my beautiful newborn props to Boulder:( Knit hats, blankets, vintage this and vintage that. But, then again, newborns are pretty darn cute all on their own, and I don't really believe they need any sort of prop to make a beautiful photo. Because they simply are. Beautiful.
I have never, ever strongly liked the newborn photos with a lot going on-newborns holding footballs in their arms Yes, it is sweet to have a comparison for size and I know football is great and all and hey, dads may dig it, but I, personally, think that the very best newborn photos I do are of the baby against a black backdrop, snuggled and content just as they were in the womb. Whenever I snuggle a newborn onto a soft, black blanket on the bean bag (yes, that is the secret to getting them so comfortable), they always curl up into whatever position they were in the womb. Mom often sighs and tells me that this is exactly the position the baby was in in their last ultrasound. Awesome. And then, of course, photos of newborns sleeping on cozy knit blankets and mama's arms and in daddy's hands and even sometimes snuggling the family dog are also fabulous. Because dogs are our babies too, right?
I'm just going to throw a few wraps in my suitcase and that should do it. I will announce when my photo shoots are open as soon as I get the tickets for Colorado. I am thinking May, and then I will be back for sure in July. That second trip is for sure.
I am still thinking about whether to bring the kids. Amelia is no longer a baby:( I used to bring her on my trips to San Francisco and Las Vegas. And it was always nice to come back to my sweet baby after a long day of shooting. But she is six now. Yes. Six. Both kids will be happy to see all their Boulder friends though, so I am considering.
More to come.
