june mini family photography sessions 2018
boulder, colorado
newborn, baby, child, and family photographer, stacey potter
(scroll to bottom to go straight to the family photography mini session sign up details)

The weather in Boulder was just awful this May. But only on the weekends. That’s when I do the bulk of my family photography shoots. I was really looking forard to them and was only able to do SIX. When it is normally 20.
So, since I am rescheduling so many sessions from May, I have had to open June weekends and want to give others the chance to get in on these-as they do fill up quickly!
I shoot into the sun, so all my sessions are in the beautiful, brilliant golden hour just before the sun goes behind the mountains. Because we are so close to the mountains, and the mountains are the gorgeous backdrop to my mini family photography sessions, we have to schedule our photography shoots pretty late in the evening during the summer.
But believe me, it is so worth it to have sun-infused images of you and your family. I can not guarantee it- it is often cloudy and then we get deep, rich colors and solid light-and those are beautiful as well, but we always try for the golden light.
Here’s a shaded session:

And here is a sun infused session, both are fabulous:

Ok, dates and times are as follows. If you want more info on why a mini family photography session might be right for you, see my spring mini blog post here.
wonderland lake – north boulder
June 9th, 10th, 16th
ncar – south boulder
June 17th, 23rd, 24th
Ok, contact me asap with your top three choices for times and I will promise to get you in! I can also open up a few weekdays, too, if those are more conveniant for anyone. Email me (faster) at staceypotterphotography@gmail.com or call (slower) at 303.818.7757
Thanks so much and I can not wait to finally see everyone!
Stacey Potter is best known for her award winning family photography. Click here to see her family photography portfolio. To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call Stacey directly at 303.818.7757 or email her at staceypotterphotography@gmail.com